@sebbo2002/semantic-release-jsr - v2.0.5-develop.2



Small semantic-release plugin, which adjusts the version in the jsr.json file and executes jsr publish to publish the module on jsr.io as well.

# Install via npm
$ npm install -D @sebbo2002/semantic-release-jsr

The plugin can be configured in the semantic-release configuration file:

"plugins": [

Please do not forget to set the id-token permission in your GitHub action so that jsr publish can access the OIDC ID token for authentication. Optionally, some options can be passed to the plugin, which are documented here.

Step Description
verifyConditions Runs jsr publish --dry-run to test your setup. Also downloads the deno binary if required.
prepare Updates the jsr.json / deno.json files
publish Run final jsr publish command
fail / success Remove the temporary folder

Copyright (c) Sebastian Pekarek under the MIT license.